sell-out;sell out造句

不同用法的“sell-out”和“sell out”造句

"sell-out"和"sell out"是两个不同用法的短语,它们在句子中有着不同的含义和语法用法。下面将分别对这两个短语的不同用法进行详细解释和造句。


"The concert tickets were a sell-out within minutes of going on sale."(音乐会门票在售出后几分钟内即售罄。)

"The popular book was a sell-out at the bookstore, and readers had to wait for the next shipment."(这本畅销书在书店一下子就卖完了,读者们不得不等待下一批货。)

sell-out;sell out造句

"The company's products are often a sell-out during the holiday season due to high demand."(这家公司的产品在假日期间常常因需求旺盛而一抢而空。)

"Her artwork is a sell-out at the art gallery, and collectors are eager to purchase her pieces."(她的艺术品在画廊里非常畅销,收藏家们渴望购买她的作品。)

"The fashion brand's limited edition clothing was a sell-out, and fashion enthusiasts lined up to get their hands on it."(这个时尚品牌的限量版服装非常畅销,时尚爱好者们排队争相购买。)

“sell out”造句

"He promised to never sell out his principles, no matter the pressure."(他承诺永远不会出卖自己的原则,无论受到多大的压力。)

"The band's decision to commercialize their music was seen as selling out by their loyal fans."(这支乐队决定商业化他们的音乐,被忠实粉丝视为出卖。)

"The company was accused of selling out to a larger corporation, putting profits above its values."(这家公司被指责出卖给一家更大的公司,把利润置于价值观之上。)

"She refused to sell out her artistic integrity for fame and chose to remain true to her craft."(她拒绝出卖自己的艺术原则以换取名声,选择忠于她的手艺。)

"Many people feel that politicians often sell out their promises once they are in office."(很多人认为政治家们常常在上任后出卖他们的承诺。)

"sell-out"和"sell out"虽然在拼写上只有一个连字符的区别,但它们具有完全不同的含义和用法。"sell-out"通常用于描述产品、活动或场所在短时间内售罄,而"sell out"则表示出卖、背叛或出售原则或价值观。在使用这两个短语时,要根据具体上下文来确定其正确的含义和用法。这两个短语在日常生活和文学作品中都有着广泛的应用,能够传达不同的信息和情感。

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